Bucket List

These are not just goals, but dreams I have long had, and dreams that are more recent. I’ve laid these out in lists in many places. I have at least 6 notebooks with the majority of the pages covered with what I desired in my life at the time. Usually it had a goal program associated with it – like 4HWW or E-Myth, to which most of the time I failed to meet the goal.

The truth is, I’ve been afraid for a long time. Fearing what would happen if I actually reached the goals and what would happen if I never reached them. If I reached them I feared I would lose my friends and family to get there, and then run out of goals and be an empty shell of a person. If I didn’t reach them, I could continue to live my life semi-comfortably, with little passion. I would relinquish control of my life to my job and my girlfriend in exchange for mediocre memories and a modicum of regret.

I read somewhere recently of the regret most common uttered before someone dies.

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

So here they are… with more to come.


  1. A Master of the Mandolin – Be one of the top 10 mandolinists in the Northeast
  2. Financially independent
  3. Be an amazing friend (willing to bury a body) to 5 of your closest friends


  1. Earn 1k per month with Amazon FBA
  2. Earn 10k per month online with passive income
  3. Earn 1k per day with online passive income
  4. Own a beautiful home near a ski mountain out west  – in Telluride CA or Mt Baker WA
  5. Have 5 friends who would be willing to bury a body (if need be).
  6. Time to pursue my dreams and passions


  1. Visit Machu Picchu
  2. Create a rolling ball sculpture
  3. Build a set of skis
  4. produce the bad christmas album
  5. Produce the drunk Christmas Album #2
  6. Travel the world and learn each countries iconic song (not anthem) on mandolin
  7. Heliski in Alaska
  8. build a rowing shell
  9. visit florence lived there one month
  10. visit machu pichu
  11. visit patagonia
  12. own a cabin in the woods on a lake
  13. Sail around the world
  14. make an art library
  15. live in europe for 1 year
  16. Build an automated passive income Business that earns 1k per day
  17. Ski out west, as a bombchucking ski patroller one season
  18. Win the new england flatpicking championship – no longer interested
  19. win the winfield flatpicking championship – no longer interested
  20. see all the seven wonders of the world
  21. visit india
  22. visit tibet
  23. live in alaska one month Did it for two weeks and it was glorious
  24. Make a room of seussical taxidermy
  25. produce a cd of my mandolin and guitar music
  26. produce a cd of bluegrass hip hop
  27. produce bluegrass tango cd
  28. write a comic book
  29. write a book with shel silverstein style
  30. write a book about grandma’s ww2 love letters
  31. write vampire hamster book
  32. Ski in Portillo Chile
  33. See the 2014 winter olympics in Sochi Russia – Missed it, would like to see another winter olympics
  34. Create the Fretboard Workshop – Done www.fretboardworkshop.com
  35. Teach a mandolin song online once a week
  36. Earn a masters at Harvard in Information Technology – Obtained!
  37. Motorcycle across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with my brother
  38. make audio hat real
  39. Make a better mandolin case
  40. Make dunegrass pub website
  41. Write and record a song a week for a year
  42. Visit all UNESCO World Heritage sites

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